Franklin Adedeji

Franklin Adedeji is the Head Boy at Bridge, Demeke—which he proudly declares is, “the best school in Lagos.” After struggling with bad teachers, Franklin moved to Bridge four years ago and hasn’t looked back since.

“Each day we learn new things,” Franklin says, telling us that Mr Azeez is his favourite teacher ever. “He is always willing to help,” he claims. He also loves being able to learn alongside best friend Bright, “He’s so kind to me.”

When asked what his favourite subject is, Franklin has an interesting answer. “Maths,” he responds. “It makes me think faster.” This skill will certainly come in handy for Franklin’s dream job, which is to be a scientist.

Franklin’s already making lots of improvements within the space of his own classroom. As Head Boy, he has a duty to teach others to behave well, whilst being a Prefect means he helps the teacher a lot with collecting books and keeping the classroom in order. Franklin also volunteers to read storybooks aloud to his class.

All the hard work has certainly paid off. Franklin scored a massive 182 in his national Common Entrance Exam in 2019. This makes him one of the very best pupils in Lagos. It also qualified him for selection on National merit, which will enable him to go to his first choice of school.

Franklin describes going to Bridge as a “Life-changer. I’d recommend it to anyone.”

Very well done Franklin and good luck in your next adventure! Learn more about his exam success, here.
