Glory Ziandjo

Glory is 11-years-old and has been at going to her Bridge school for three years, she’s now nearly at the end of this journey in Primary 6. She’s in the same class as her cousin, Damilola, and the two play together at break time.

She joined the school because when she looked around she “just loved it,” she says. She wasn’t disappointed. She likes the amount of independent study she gets to do, adding: “It’s very fun.”

Glory’s best subject is maths, because they get to both count and solve problems. Glory’s dedication to her studies has set her on a lifelong path it seems, because she wants to be a teacher when she grows up! Glory hopes that in this role she can “learn to understand when people have problems” and subsequently, “help them understand how to solve them.”

Aside from her love of Bridge, Glory also has a real passion for her country. “Nigeria is beautiful and we have so many tribes,” she explains. She wants to make sure that Lagos is the best can be by fixing the roads, because at the moment, she says: “It takes a long time to get anywhere.”
